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The glamour of air travel!

Kristan Higgins

Updated: May 3, 2022

Sure. This happens.

Sure. This happens.

I’m going on book tour this week, guys! Got my outfits mostly picked out, got my itinerary printed, have checked the weather in all the cities I’ll be visiting, have little giveaways for the readers who come out to see me.

In the meantime, though, I thought I’d give you some of the highlights of my journeys so far…

That time the guy fell asleep on my shoulder and drooled on me.

A must-have. Or not.

A must-have. Or not.

That time I heard someone snoring, jolted awake and said, “Who’s snoring?” and then realized it was me.

That time I was so tired in the Seattle airport that I put a note on my coat that said, “Please make sure I board this flight” and fell asleep.

That time I entertained a baby for three full hours and the parents told me I was a saint (it’s true! but only where babies are concerned).

That time I wrote a sad scene and started crying then had to explain to my seat-mate that I was an author and this was normal. She side-eyed me the rest of the flight.


That first time I was stuck in Atlanta in front of Popeye’s Chicken, broke down, assumed their chicken pieces were akin to McNuggets, and ordered seven, only to find out I had enough food for a football team.

That time I was in the bathroom (bad enough) and we hit really bad turbulence and I thought I was going to die with my pants down, and that’s how my family would have to remember me.

That time I had a panic attack and the flight attendant ignored me but a doctor came over to help (United Airlines, I still hate you, for the record).

That time my coat got caught on the baggage carousel conveyor belt and I had to trot along till I pulled it out.

Why, hello there.

Why, hello there.

That time I thought I saw Jason Bateman in a wine bar and kept staring at him and smiling until he moved.

Hope to see you at one of my stops! The full details are on my website ( and on my Facebook page under events. I’ll be sure to post more adventures as I hop and bop across the beautiful United States.


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